Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In Pursuit Of "PERFECTION"

Arranged marriages are all about finding "perfection".Parents want their kids to be regarded as "perfect" and look for "perfect" matches.Perfection is no longer an attribute but a name given to a set of specifications which every prospective(brahmin) bride and groom must have

1. Is either an engineer or a doctor.Second preference goes to the commerce girls.Everyone likes to say that their daughter or daughter-in-law is a software professional,or works for an mnc or an international bank. I am yet to see families accept girls who are MAC make up artists.

2.Must be docile and extremely feminine.As a result most of the girls are taught either music or dance and a mention of anything like Tai Chi or kalaripayattu brings the roof down.

3. And here comes the age old requirement: Must have a complexion that is between very fair and slightly wheatish.

4. Must be willing to uproot herself from any place and any job and move to where her husband will be.

5.And the miscellaneous things like knowing the various sahastranamams and ashtotrams

1. Again,is either an engineer or a doctor.IITans score lots of brownie points.Must work in a fortune 500 company and have equally qualified siblings. I am yet to hear about brahmin guys who are Michelin 3 star chefs or footwear designers(refer to the post titled Talking about impact to know the consequences of considering marriage to a chef or a designer)

2. Should not smoke and must not eat non veg

As long as the quest for "perfection" continues,aranged marriages continue to be far more entertaining than the K soaps and the circus goes on