Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cosmo Bride

I'm generally bored. Rather than think up beauty pageant questions, I figured it's more profitable to put out a cosmo like questionnaire for all prospective brides who wish to torture all prospective grooms.

Please note, if the guy is cute, there are no wrong answers. If the guy is remotely creepy or oiled hair, there are no right answers... HA HA HA HA (evil laugh)

Question 1:
Are you very attached to your mom?

This is a trick question.

If you say yes, you come across as someone who'd constantly compare wifey's cooking with mom's cooking, talk to mom at odd hours of the day, in general worship her and conclusively prove that you don't need a wife as long as mommy's around. :P

If you say no... Well, insensitive ^%$&^%*$ aren't you? The one woman who gave up her life, her figure and picked up your poop and you're not attached to her? How can I believe you're capable of a meaningful relationship, Conan the Barbarian? :P :P

Question 2:
Do you believe that there is such a thing as male and female roles in the family?

This is also a trick question.

If you say yes, well, you're pretty much screwed, aren't you?

If you say no, hmm... are you sure your boyfriend wouldn't mind giving you up for me? :P

Question 3:
Did you have a girlfriend in college?

Yes, I did leads to further questions like:
  • Are you still in touch? (yes = hung up/fling. no = insensitive)
  • Did you plan to get married? (yes = hmm... no = commitment phobic)
  • How long were you together? (short time = fling, ugh. long time = major jealousy)
  • .
  • ..
  • ...
No? Whoa why not? Are you such a loser that an arranged marriage is the only way you can hope to get a girl? Or are you just not the "girl" type?

Question 4:
Do you cook?

Major trick question.

Yes. The girl will most likely not cook ever in your married life.

No. Reeks of snob. Are you above cooking? How did you live alone all these days?

Question 5:
Do you have any questions?

Ask one, you'll be crucified.

Don't ask one and be accused of not listening.

Any questions?