Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sari Shoppin'

I realise I have deviated from the original mission of this blog. This is supposed to be an entertaining space. Not a place for me to talk about louve.

Anyway, these past few weeks, I have been going shaadi shopping with my parents every sunday. I assure you, it is a very traumatic experience...

I did not know we had this many relatives. Ok, I did know they all existed but I didn't know all (and I mean all, including my mom's cousins stepmother) of them need to be gifted saris.

So, anyway, there are all these grades of relatives. Some who deserve brocade-gold zari-fine silk saris (description sounds more dramatic than pattu sari hence the usage) Some who deserve the silk but not the gold. Some to whom gifting brocade might seem inappropriate. Some who dont wear silk anymore because they're 'old'. One or two who we are not sure deserve saris but can't miss out because their cousins might be getting one. And many we're trying to mend relations with by gifting pretty saris to. After all, they're the ones who need to help fix up my marriage...

Now, here starts the fun part. How much do we spend on a single sari? Where do we buy them? What is the complexion of the lady in question? Should the ladiej get a choice? Should all saris of a certain grade be spread out in front of all those women and should they be given a chance to pick?
We're not sure. After all, what if X picks the sari that would look good on Y? What if the dark colours are done in the end and a dark lady is left with a yellow sari? Good God!

It has led to many a heated discussion at home. Mostly ending with my parents pouncing on my anti-social (would love to know what they classify a terrorist as) traits when I suggest we drop this whole sari business alltogether...

Anyhow. Tomorrow will be a better day. Because tomorrow, we're going to buy a sari for me.... And Heaven take pity on us because even our neighbours know by now that the three of us cannot agree on even a common toothpaste...

More entertainment tomorrow.
