Sunday, November 27, 2005


I get that cash from my bro, not the girl's family...

Sample Negotiations

Was a rather entertaining day today. Got to meet my almost bhabhi's mom. And watch my mom and her discuss the intricacies of the economics that govern a wedding. No dowry, please. We're a very modern family. All we ask is that the bride and groom be of the same sub-caste.

Damn! I didn't even know there were all these parts to a wedding ceremony!

Anyway, the bottomline is I might grow richer by 10k cash and lots of designer clothes (obviously designer, baba, my bro and bhabi are nri's after all :P).

You know what my mom figured out at the end of it all? That she needs to top this at my wedding... Seriously, sometimes I think all ceremonies should be banned and replaced with a couple of signatures taken under the supervision of a magistrate.

Another day, some more learning...

~ Me

Saturday, November 26, 2005

It All Began...

The day I turned 22.


What do any good, conscientious, loving parents do when their tall, slim, fair, engineer daughter turns 22? They declare war and search for a tall, slim (optional), fair (totally optional), double degreed, well settled son-in-law.

I learned something. Given the impossible criteria parents set (worse than ours, trust me) there is only a single guy who would fit them all. Hence, we may conclude there is just one person made for us after all. Better let the parents find him!

In this space, I shall chronicle my tales of photos, horoscopes, castes, sub castes, visits, politics, paisa and the other intricacies of arranged marriages. Hope you sympathise...